Cliccando qui dopo un’introduzione del sito che vi mostra come è nata l’idea, potrete accedere alla mappa di AirBnb che in tempo reale vi mostra cosa sta accadendo sul loro portale (quante e dove le prenotazioni)
Ma l’intento di AirBnb è molto di più;
con l’iniziativa #OneLessStranger sulla mappa vengono visualizzate non solo i check in ma anche gli utenti che organizzano qualcosa di creativo e divertente per incontrare uno sconosciuto e lo condividono sui social con il suddetto hashtag.
Crediamo in un mondo in cui tutti i sette miliardi di persone possano sentirsi ovunque a casa #OneLessStranger. Scopri le altre storie e condividi la tua.
Imagine seeing a world without strangers. What would that look like around the world? And what would that mean for you?
While we provide unique local experiences, a sense of belonging, and fewer strangers around the world, we wanted a dynamic way to showcase just how small and friendly the world can be with Airbnb. To do so, we’ve designed a new, interactive map that showcases Airbnb activity around the globe, with real-time action illustrated in motion from our #OneLessStranger movement, global hotspots, guest check-ins, and recent milestones including a most recent one this New Year’s Eve. (On December 31, 2014, we diminished the number of strangers in the world with nearly 550K travelers using Airbnb to stay in over 190 countries. Our biggest night yet!)
Within the map, you can click to see activity around our #OneLessStranger movement and click on the designated icons to see what our community is doing with the challenge. We’ve seen so many acts of kindness around the world—from Vicky in Toronto who made sure to kick off a stranger’s 2015 on the right foot with a hangover cure gift pack, to an EMT who made friends with Patty Blank as she delivered chili during a snowy winter day. The movement has inspired all types of people, and all kinds of creative acts, and this map is where you can see them playing out, in real-time, as they happen.
Airbnb blog
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Ci puoi trovare su Instagram sotto il nome di @tildediscovery per i viaggi worldwide e @disciules per quelli nel Nord Italia.
Su Facebook sono mytripmaps
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