A valley overlooking Lake Garda between wonderful mountains and organic farming. Discover Val di Gresta in all its facets.
Val di Gresta
The glacial valley is located in the southern part of Trentino, between the Vallagarina and the northern part of Lake Garda, nestled between the peaks of Monte Biaena, Monte Stivo and Monte Creino.
This valley differs from the other Trentino valleys because, as the name also says, it is composed of mountain ridges that give rise to terraces where the various inhabited centers have developed.
The countries that compose it are: Ronzo-Chienis, Pannone, Valle San Felice, Varano, Manzano and Nomesino, which altogether have about 2,000 inhabitants.
View from above Ronzo-Chienis
The valley is famous for the cultivation of organic products , especially potatoes, carrots, courgettes and cabbage, for this it is called the “organic vegetable garden of Trentino”.
The production method is mostly organic and this means that the Valley is fully defined as “The organic garden of Trentino”. Of particular value are also some processed products such as traditional sauerkraut, tomato purée and some small fruit jams.
The climate is mitigated by the proximity of Lake Garda, in the summer temperatures reach 25-30 ° C, while in winter it generally drops below 0 degrees, even if the snowfalls are less frequent than the other Trentino valleys due to the influence of the mild lake climate.
From the rocky edge of Monte Creino , almost 1300 meters above sea level, the view opens up to Val di Gresta, Monte Altissimo and Lake Garda.
Once you reach the trenches , which are on the summit of the same mountain, a truly magical place awaits you: tunnels dug into the rock by the Austro-Hungarian soldiers in the First World War, with breathtaking views of Lake Garda and some nice curiosities, such as the stone fountain where the soldiers collected rainwater and lookout posts.
The peak of the Stivo is a popular destination thanks to its “P. Marchetti “, recently renovated.
All the proposed routes are quite easy and do not present particular difficulties: it is necessary to have only a discrete “leg” able to withstand 2-3 hours of ascent and a difference in height of about 800 meters.
Even after copious snowfalls there is almost always a clear trail that rises from S. Barbara, opened by numerous ski mountaineers.
With its geographical position and 2059 meters of altitude, the Monte Stivo is an exceptional panoramic point overlooking Lake Gardaand Vallagarina. From the top the view sweeps over the Lagorai Chain, the Pasubio and the Little Dolomites to the east, the Monte Baldo group to the south, the Ledro Alps to the southwest, the Adamello, Carè Alto and Presanella glaciers to the north. -ovest, the Brenta Dolomites to the north.
A singular peculiarity: on clear days the view can embrace in just 70 km one of the greatest differences in altitude in the region: from 64 meters of Lake Garda up to the summit of Ortles to 3905 meters! Extensive traces of trenches and Austro-Hungarian fortifications of the Great War can be seen almost everywhere on Mount Stivo, which was part of the grandiose fortified system of Upper Garda.
Monte Stivo in Winter
Overlooked by the well-known Mount Stivo, the Biaena is a secluded peak in a quiet and generally little-known environment . Although it does not reach such high altitudes, the Biaena still has its particularities. It is considered the mountain of the house for the inhabitants of Rovereto: the eastern wall in fact falls directly on the Val d’Adige for almost 1400 meters making it imposing in its own way. Secondly, the panorama it offers is very interesting. From the Biaena we can observe a sector of Lake Garda and above all different mountain groups of Trentino and Veneto, among which the Lessini with Cima Carega, the Bondone and the Lagorai.
Its ascent offers a mini excursion suitable for those who want to walk for half a day; at the same time the ascension, as described, offers the emotion of a short stretch exposed to make the climb more sparkling.
The visit to Mount Faè allows us to understand the complexity of the deployments and defenses set up along this part of the front in the First World War.
You find artillery posts, rock trenches and signs of a wide entrenched fence that was defended by reticulates and also by machine gun posts. During the Great War the Gresta valley, straddling the Garda and the Vallagarina, was divided into two sectors: the western one, with the Stivo and the Creino under the command of Riva del Garda; the eastern one dependent on Rovereto . In this last sector the Austrungarico defensive line went up from Rovereto to Mount Faè and from here it continued on the Nagià Grom and then gradually lowered to Passo San Giovanni.
In this chessboard, Mount Faè, served as a cornerstone and connecting point. On the top of the mountain there was an armored trench and a rock, while about a hundred meters downstream there was another line of trenches.
Mount Fae and the Nagia Grom were connected by a system of trenches to protect the Italian front on the north side of Mount Baldo, a few kilometers away. In the rear there were provisions, depots, barracks for commands and services as well as artillery positions – two 90 mm and 105 mm canons – and machine guns that controlled the slope of Lenzima.
What and where to eat in Val di Gresta? Following the map and the refreshment points of the place
Antica Gardumo Restaurant , creative cuisine that prefers local products. Particular attention to the preparation and decoration of the dish, which is presented to the customer very nice and colorful.
Via ai Piani 1, Ronzo Chienis (TN) Tel. 0464.802855 Cell. 328.7348872
Maso Naranch , ideal place for the typical specialties of the Trentino tradition and the warm and friendly atmosphere of the mountain farm. Our BIO products are real delicacies.
Loc. Naranch, Pannone di Mori (TN) Tel. 0464 356113 | Cell. 347 893 4192
Pizzeria la Baita Restaurant , where you can taste the traditional Trentino cuisine and exceptional pizzas.
Loc. Bordala, Ronzo Chienis Tel. 0464802999 | Cell. 340 1388503
“Al Giardino” brewery , recommended for pasta and rice.
Viale Al Castello 19, Pannone di Mori (TN) Italy tel. 0464 803021
Restaurant Hotel Martinelli , offers regional and vegetarian menus and of course all our dishes can boast the presence of organic vegetables grown in Trentino.
Via del Car 4, Ronzo Chienis (TN) Tel. 0464 802908
Malator Somator, typical dishes of the Trentino tradition accompanied by the organic vegetables of Val di Gresta.
Loc. Somator 8, Passo Bordala (TN) Cell.342 1127647
Agriturismo Locanda San Felice, local products with a traditional, simple cuisine that makes you taste the flavors of the past.
Via Sant’Anna, San Felice Valley of Mori (TN) Cell. 320 3823100
Agriturismo Concetta , Restaurant and family-run farm
Via Monte Creino 52, Ronzo Chieni (TN) Cell. 347 8626936
Passo Bordala Hotel
www. albergobordala. permobile . it
Via Case Sparse 51, Passo Bordala (TN) Tel. 0464 802927
Hotel Santa Barbara
Via Monte Velo 11, Ronzo Chienis (TN) Tel. 0464 802919 | Cell.329 2090779
Text written by Alessio Benoni
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