I tried the Nautica restaurant in Arona as the protagonist of a TV episode on the best restaurants with a view. I was fascinated by the dish of raw food as I always go in search of good food but also the excellent dish.

You can find my article on disciules.it

The restaurant is located at the end of the city of Arona and therefore being more isolated of all it is far from any kind of chaos, both human and mechanical.

There is the possibility to have dinner either on the turret or inside the room, so if you have preferences calls for a reservation.

The restaurant overlooks Lake Maggiore, with a view of the Rocca di Angera.

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Not just food, there are many activities in Arona. The first that I recommend is that of visiting the Rocca Borromea, a very nice park where you can spread out and relax.

The whole path is really a beautiful photographic idea. I would have liked to reach it during the evening to see the lights of the city from above but unfortunately the park closes at about 20 pm. We must therefore find the time of year where it is dark early and the park is open.

La Rocca is easily reached on foot, parking the car in the climb before arr

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The street adjacent to the lakeside of the city is very picturesque especially during parties and events.

Here it is during the “Undercolors” party of the colored umbrellas …. just like in Agueda, the city of Portugal where this colorful initiative was born first.

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What else to do on Lake Maggiore?

Have you finished your ideas? No fear! The lake is full of beautiful ideas to photograph and cities to visit.

And do not forget to visit Disciules, the blog about travel itineraries in northern Italy! (first link on the right when entering the site)

Lake Maggiore from above – Laveno-Mombello cableway | Weekend ideas

What to see on Lake Maggiore and around Varese

Hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso

Restaurants overlooking small lakes and rivers in Lombardy and Piedmont

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